PRIMARY NAICS CODES: 236220, 236210, 237110, 237120, 237130, 237310, 237990

GSI's construction division offers quality and cost-effective general contracting and DB services. GSI provides project management, construction quality and safety management professionals, knowledge of DoD contracting, logistical support, local engineering, and construction professionals for any project to meet our clients' needs.
- General Contracting
- Construction Management
- Logistics
- Design-Build Horizontal/Vertical Construction
- Facility Renovation and Repair
- Site Work
- Infrastructure Improvements
- Historical Building Renovations
- Classified/Highly Secure (Restricted Access) Facilities
- Design-Build Repair of POL Systems (Hydrants, Valves, Piping, Supports, Etc.)
- Tank Cleaning
- Pier Inspections and Repairs
- Demolition
- Excavation and Backfill
- Welding and Pipefitting
- Testing and Repair of Vapor Recovery Systems
- Asbestos Inspection and Abatement
- USACE Omaha District Design-Build Construction in Support of POL Facilities — Infrastructure IDIQ Multiple Award Construction Task Order Contract (MATOC), Contract No.: W9128F-16-D-0030, Contract Value: $490M
- US Army Engineering & Support Center, Huntsville Facility Repair and Renewal (FRR) Program IDIQ MATOC, Contract No.: W912DY-15-D-0055, Contract Value: $490M
- NAVFAC Hawai`i 8(a) Design-Build/Design-Bid-Build MACC, Contract No.: N62478-16-D-4015, Contract Value: $245M
- NAVFAC NW IDIQ MACC for New Construction, Renovation, Alteration, Demolition and Repair Work by Design-Build or Design-Bid-Build, Contract No.: N44255-15-D-0017, Contract Value: $99M
- NAVFAC Marianas 8(a) MACC, Contract No.: N40192-15-D-2832, Contract Value: $75M
- United States Coast Guard Regional MACC, Contract No. 70Z08618DPHV01500, Contract Value: $75M
- NAVFAC NW Small 8(a) MACC, Contract No.: N44255-18-D-5022, Contract Value: $99M
- USACE Seattle District 8(a) MACC Joint Base Lewis McChord, Contract No.: W912DW-19-D-1005, Contract Value: $175M
- NAVFAC Marianas 8(a) MACC, Contract No.:N40192-19-R-2833, Contract Value: $75M
DESIGN-BUILD CONSTRUCTION — FY14 OMA Pkg A-010 Renovate Building T-112, Fort Shafter, Oahu, Hawai`i

Building T-112, also known as Dunning Hall, was built in 1907 and is an important structure that is a key part of the Palm Circle National Historic Landmark District. GSI was contracted by the USACE, Honolulu District for a design-build repair and renovation of the historical building. The work included removal of hazardous materials, structural repairs, replacing windows and doors, installing new lighting and data systems, and upgrading fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems. Historic items that were protected and preserved for posterity included historic graffiti on a second floor column, a basement foundation post, and charred rafters from a historic fire which the building survived.
The project received LEED Silver certification under the LEED 2009 New Construction and Major Renovations rating system. This project also received a Preservation Honor Award, Hawai`i's highest recognition of preservation projects that perpetuate, rehabilitate, restore or interpret the state's architectural, archaeological and/or cultural heritage.
Contract Value: 8.6M
FUELS CONSTRUCTION — Inspect and Repair Tank 20 at Defense Fuel Support Point (DFSP) Wake Island

GSI was awarded this design-build project by the Air Force Civil Engineer Center to perform construction and repair services for a mission-critical aviation fuel tank (Tank 29). GSI performed repairs and installation of new equipment including the installation for new internal floating roof (IFR); repairs to tank and appurtenances; installation of new alarms; and coating of tank interior and exterior. The remote and austere location at Wake Island presented several logistical challenges. All materials and equipment required to perform the project needed to be transported via Government barge or cargo plane. It was imperative that all design submittals were submitted and accepted on schedule so as to not delay any material and equipment deliveries and start of construction. GSI's logistical manager and expediters worked closely with procurement to identify and support delivery of materials, goods, and personnel.
Contract Value: $7.3M

- 2015 GCA Safety Award for Zero Incident Rate Building 49,9999 to 0 hours
- 2015 GCA Safety Award for Heavy/Industrial 109,999 to 0 hours
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